Cages Systems

KC-702 New Cat Condo Bank

UVC sterilization light and illumination light installed. Newly invented natural ventilation roof equipped, it keeps air refreshed, powered by the heat generated by animals inside. Classic central playground in the middle of the whole unit, offering great social and playing space for cats, encouraging them to discover more between compartments. Noise dampening safe magnetic latches on the front doors ensure quiet and secured door operation.

KC-801 Cat Condo Series

Wonderful Fish shaped decorative patterns realized on this fantastic cat condo. Luxury vertical living space on top, with scale shaped ventilation holes on front door and playful mezzanine platforms installed in the space. Tall scratching post encourages cats to discover more in vertical direction and have more fun in the compartment. Specially designed sunken toilet and sleeping room are the favorite space for many cats; they love to have a little privacy there. Functional storage cabins at the bottom of whole unit for keeping the personal belongings handily.

CC-1301 S/S Cat Cage

Space saving solution for cat holding. Slim size maximizes the space usage, versatile combinations realize varied applications. Horizontal crawling holes pre-drilled, with S/S doors equipped for animal activity management. Thick rubber edge protection added to make sure there’s no sharp edge in the whole system. Durable front door made from S/S and transparent acrylic materials, ensures good ventilation and reliable strength. HDPE middle resting platforms included too.

KA-509-RES Cat Restraint Cage

Specifically designed for the easy handling of cats during injections, examinations, or anytime absolute control is a must. Squeeze panel hung on two rolling tracks ensures very smooth back-forth movement. Easy to grip strong holding bars at front of the squeeze panels make the operation fairly easy.

KA-508C Stainless Steel Cat Condo

C is for CAT!Better ventilation and more playful space. Constructed from 304 stainless steel, with S/S resting mesh panel and crawling ramp to suit the living habit of the occupants.Horizontal tunnels and removable up/down dividers, leaving more flexibility for cats.

CC-1201 Brand New Cat Condo

More suitable conditions to cats. The left half of the condo is a living area equipped with resting panel; right half is an area for rest and excretion (cat litter boxes available).Rounded corners; Smooth and easy to clean and keep hygienic.Clear Stainless Steel mesh and transparent acrylic door. Easy for users to observe and free of depression for cats.Open/close the horizontal tunnel to excite and interest cats.Size customized for Group Customer. Perfect Performance!

KC-701 Cat Condo: The Ultimate Feline Living Space

Introduction: The KC-701 Cat Condo offers a thoughtfully designed living habitat tailored for cats, combining both playful and functional spaces. This premium cat condo ensures a comfortable environment with distinct areas for sleeping, playing, and litter, all within a well-organized, versatile structure.


AEOLUS International Pet Products, LLC. 3249 Story Rd. W Irving, TX 75038
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